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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Responsible Parenthood

These claims are got from paragraph 10 in Humanae Vitae and they are all about issues related to Responsible Parenthood. It says that "In a word, the exercise of responsible parenthood requires that husband and wife, keeping a right order of priorities, recognize their own duties toward God, themselvers, their families and human society. " It means that husband and wife should think about their own situations like family size, economics, and even whoel society before transmitting life. And they decide themselves whether to have additional children or not. One illustration related to this issue today is "One child policy". Currently, In many developing countries, goveronment makes a policy called "One child policy" in order to control alarmingly increasing rate of population. According to this policy, one couple is only allowed to have one child and they will get fined if they have addtional children. One child policy is widely controversial and the problem is whether this policy should be banned or continue to be used.

My position on this issue is supporting "One child policy". Although a lot of people will object this policy, we should think this problem comprehensively. Actually population is closely linked to our society and development of the human and "One child policy" is a good way to control overpopulation issues. I am major in Chemistry department and I learn many course about human's living environment. Alarmingly increasing rate of population lower our quality of life and brings a lot of environmental issues. This policy is now just applied in several countries which has overpolulation issues like China. I suggest that this policy can be applied in more counties in the future.

When talking about this issue regarding culture, responsible parenthood is not personally problem anymore. It related to all society living environment and whole world development strategy. Parents should ask themselves if they can give the addtional child happiness before they decide to have more children. Scientists should further study effectove methods of natural birth and meet the requirements of sustainable development. Historically, having more children make good contributions to development of society. More people are needed to exploit natural resources in order to make our living environment better. But today, population all over the world is nearly saturated and what we need to do is balance the polulation and nature.


  1. Here's a nice suggestion regarding how China could grant it's citizens more reproductive freedoms without missing its population targets. The proposal might also have the potential to put an end to the selective abortion of females which has plagued the one-child policy:

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